so far, the Z2 team of Balthazar (idea conceiver) and Cybaster (primary coder) expanded to include various others, including inspiring some other smaller projects in the team's honor.

Initially beginning as a simple brand of Dragon Ball Z characters to go against the traditional Dragon Ball Z characters introduced into M.U.G.E.N. The gameplay focuses on the mechanics inspired by Street Fighter and Darkstalkers with other fighting games thrown into the mix (like Marvel vs. You can configure the buttons to be mapped somewhere else by starting up the game, going to the Options Menu and then Button Config.Hyper Dragon Ball Z is a freeware game developed from the M.U.G.E.N engine by fans of the anime dubbed "Team Z2". The default keyboard buttons are A, S, D for punches, Z, X, C for kicks, the arrow keys for movement and Enter for Start. Then go inside the root folder and launch ‘HyperDBZ.exe’. In order to play the game, you’ll have to download the. In addition, more stages will be coming, as well as more updates, bug fixing and balancing tweaks. While this version comes with a respectable roster size, the team behind the game aims to add Android 18, Super Buu, Gotenks, Krillin and Tienshinhan in the future. The game also comes packed with the original music themes of WizzyWhipItWonderful. The second is the ‘HyperDBZ – Detailed Movelist’, which is a folder. One is the ‘HyperDBZ – Printable-Movelist’ (opens with Wordpad / Word), which as the name suggests, allows to be printed so you can have a neat movelist lying in front of you whilst playing the game.

Both are located in the ‘information & movelist’ folder. This build also comes with two brand new movelists. The Champ’s Build version of Hyper Dragon Ball Z contains updates and re-balances to all the existing characters and adds new characters as well as a couple of new stages and a more polished screenpack. However, and contrary to other MUGEN titles, this one seems really polished and comes with reworked sprites for pretty much all characters. Hyper Dragon Ball Z is basically a MUGEN 2D DBZ fighting game. Ronnie Dieleman has released a new version of Hyper Dragon Ball Z.